City BZA approves variances

City BZA approves variances

MARTINSVILLE — Martinsville resident David Dalton will be able to construct a new garage on his property after the Martinsville Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) approved two variances Tuesday night.

The property in question is located in the 600 block of East Walnut Street.

At the beginning of the meeting, Martinsville Building Inspector Bob Strader explained Dalton’s request.

Strader said that he has visited the property on three different occasions, which currently has a two-car garage and storage shed, both of which Dalton wants to demolish.

Since those structures were built, Strader noted, a city ordinance has been enacted that requires a 10-foot setback.

“He’s needing 2 foot,” Strader said, explaining that the proposed building would have an 8-foot setback.

There is also an ordinance that requires a 9-foot wall height, but Dalton’s proposed garage was being built with 12-foot-tall walls.

“I did speak with a couple neighbors there, and they spoke highly of him and had no issues whatsoever,” Strader said, adding that the garage would be built on an alley.

According to Dalton, he has lived on the property for about 20 years.

“What I am wanting to do is tear down the old garage, get rid of the shed, and just put one building in basically the same place that the garage and the shed are at now,” Dalton said.

BZA member Anna Elliott noted that the proposed building would be “quite a bit larger,” in terms of square footage.

When compared to the existing garage, the proposed garage is larger, Dalton noted.

But, the proposed garage is also replacing the storage shed.

“One of the questions that we have to ask is, if you were to follow the city ordinances to the letter of the law, would it impede you from being able to do what you need to do with that building?” Elliott asked.

“Yes, it would,” Dalton responded.

“Explain that,” Elliott said.

Dalton noted that a 10-foot setback would leave less yard compared to the requested 8-foot setback.

“I’ve got grandkids that like to come over and play,” Dalton said. “I would have to move the garage closer to the house.”

The reason Dalton is wanting higher walls is because he would like to have a lift inside the garage to work on vehicles.

The lift, Dalton noted, would just be for personal use on his and family member’s vehicles.

“Not for any type of commercial use,” Dalton added.

Before the vote, Elliott wanted Dalton to confirm that the current structures have 8-foot setbacks.

“Yes, that is 8 foot from the property line,” Dalton said.

No one from the public offered any concerns to Dalton’s request.

Before the vote, Strader said that the new garage would be an improvement to the neighborhood.

Board member Katie Barnard made the motion to approve the two variances, with member Tom Hacker seconding.

The variances were approved unanimously, 5-0.

Attorney search

BZA members also briefly discussed the search for a new attorney for it and the plan commission.

The current attorney is Dakota VanLeeuwen, who will be stepping down.

According to BZA chairwoman Ann Marvel, the city will be advertising for a new attorney.

A committee of BZA and plan commission members will be formed to look into a future attorney.

The next meeting of the Martinsville Board of Zoning Appeals is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 17, in council chambers at Martinsville City Hall, 59 S. Jefferson St.

~ Staff Report | Published October 28, 2020 in The Reporter Times


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