Mooresville sign amendment dies at town council meeting
MOORESVILLE — An amendment to the town of Mooresville’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) died Tuesday night after it failed to receive a second to councilman Dustin Stanley’s motion for approval.

Stanley said that the amendment went before the Mooresville Plan Commission on June 10, which submitted several recommendations back to the town council.
Members of the public were given an opportunity to speak on the amendment.
Mooresville resident Dave Snyder said his understanding of the amendment would allow signs to be placed in public areas.
“If that is the case, well, I think it would be visual clutter,” Snyder said.
Snyder added that he recently had a friend travel through Plainfield who commented on the lack of signs in that town.
“They’re not attractive, they may be a safety issue,” Snyder noted.
Mooresville resident Danny Lundy spoke in favor of the amendment.
He told the council that he favors the amendment because it removes the need to ask permission by the town to place signs in rights-of-way.
“It allows a governing body to say yes to some people, and no to others,” Lundy said.
Lundy also noted that the UDO already has a provision that allows for signs that are causing safety issues to be removed.
Ultimately, Stanley made the motion to approve the amendment.
However, no councilman seconded the motion, so it died.
Old Settlers Parade
The Old Settlers Parade will return this year, after being cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The route, however, will change from previous years.
This year, the parade will leave Mooresville High School and travel west on Carlisle Street to Monroe Street, Monroe Street south to Washington Street, Washington Street east to Indiana Street and then Indiana Street north to the high school.
Town Council President Tom Warthen asked if Monroe Street was too busy of a roadway for the parade to travel on.
“We will be able to cut them off at County Line (Road),” Mooresville Police Chief Kevin Julian said. “I plan on posting somebody up at County Line to divert traffic up there once we close that section of the parade route.”
Members of the council approved parade route unanimously, 5-0.
In other business
The council awarded Miller Pipeline the sewer pipe lining project after it submitted the low bid of $147,400.
It began the process of awarding ReConserve a tax abatement.
Members also approved a waste water treatment plant evaluation agreement with Sedgwick Valuation Services for $3,500.
~ By Lance Gideon | Reporter | Published June 17, 2021 in The Mooresville Times
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