2023-07-10 Park Board Meeting
Unfinished Business:
- The Parks Board officially adopted the Site Master Plan Concept that was presented to the Mooresville Redevelopment Commission at their July meeting. This Master Plan will help direct and drive improvements in the park for many years to come.
New Business:
- New mowers are scheduled to arrive by 7/21/2023. The board voted to move forward with declaring the old mowers surplus so they can be sold.
- The board voted to allow a banner in Bicentennial Park advertising the Mooresville Street Fair dates.
- The board was presented with an updated Park Memorial Program, which will allow for far more options than the current memorial plan.
- The current plan only allows for Park Benches
- The new plan will allow for Benches, Trees, Trails, Markers, and have more flexibility for other creative options on a case by case basis.
- The board voted to adopt this new program

- The bathroom building for the Old Town Park has been completed. We expect it to be installed by the end of July
- The pool heater is still in the warranty process and we are waiting on the manufacturer.
- Summer staff continue to do a great job and we appreciate their efforts very much
- REC&U for the fall semester will be opening earlier this year
Park Memorial Program
About the Program:
Mooresville Parks has redeveloped and designed the memorial program to help individuals, organizations, and families celebrate their loved ones. The procedures and policies are designed to be fair, consistent, and efficient for anyone interested in donating a memorial on the Mooresville Park property.
Parks and public lands’ accessibility to the general public makes them common and logical locations for Memorials. Mooresville Parks reserves the right to restrict memorials of individuals, dates, events, and those industries and productions that do not support the goals, vision, and mission of the department.
Give a gift of green and shade, a place to stop and rest, or something special through the Parks Memorial Program. Memorial donations include select tree species, bench types, and other amenities.

For more information about the memorial program contact the Mooresville Parks Office
The next Park Board Meeting will be on August 14th at 6:30 PM