Lawrence County real estate broker running for Congress as Libertarian A Lawrence County resident and real estate broker is running for Congress. Tonya Millis is seeking the Libertarian Party’s nomination to represent Indiana’s 9th Congressional District. According to a news ...
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Libertarian party hosts annual convention MORGAN COUNTY — The Libertarian Party of Morgan County met at the Mooresville Public Library Thursday evening for the party’s 2020 convention. At the meeting, they discussed the current state of the party, performed some ...
Read MoreColumn: Too important to politicize Since being appointed to the police commission in January of 2019 healing a politically driven division within the department has been our #1 challenge. It is for this reason, and with the goal of healing ...Read More
In the interest of keeping the commission bipartisan, Warthen recommended the appointment of Libertarian Danny Lundy to the police commission.Read More
At the most recent meeting of the Mooresville Town Council, Libertarian Danny Lundy was appointed to the BZA, effective immediately. According to Warthen, Lundy was selected by the council to fill the BZA vacancy because he had shown a willingness ...Read More
“Someone had to step up and do something to stem the tide in this country,” Libertarian Senate candidate Lucy Brenton said. “Every day, our taxes go up, and our freedoms go down. Everyone complains, and then does nothing. So I ...
Read MoreTransparency plus Accessibility equals Accountability There has been much said, both for and against, Mooresville’s Gateway Project, the redevelopment commission and the town council recently — some of it correct, some of it incorrect. And it can be difficult determining ...Read More