Reporter-Times Fails to Include Libertarians in Their Election Coverage

Morgan County, IN; March 9th, 2023

There have been several articles written about the upcoming municipal elections in Morgan County this year. Many of them focused on the primaries, which Libertarians do not participate in due to state law restrictions. In the most recent article from the March 6th edition of the Reporter-Times, however, they specifically state, “Anyone wishing to run as a Democrat or as an independent has until later this year to file for the November election.” This is also true for people wishing to run as a Libertarian and we believe readers should be made aware of that.

Furthermore, we held our county convention in January (at no cost to taxpayers) where we selected Danny Lundy to be our candidate for Mooresville Town Council in Ward 2. He will be on your ballot in November and we believe readers should be informed that they have more options than Republican, Democrat, or Independent; especially since we currently have more candidates on the ballot than the other ‘major’ party that has been mentioned in every article.

The Libertarian Party of Morgan County is well established and continues to run principled candidates. They hold appointed and elected positions within the county. Libertarians have served and are currently serving on appointed board in both Martinsville and Mooresville and a Libertarian was just elected in November 2022 to the Martinsville School Board.

It seems a pretty severe oversight to exclude them when discussing local politics and elections in Morgan County. We sincerely hope future coverage includes all the candidates so that voters can make an informed decision this November.

To learn more about the Libertarian Party of Morgan County visit and to learn more about Danny Lundy’s campaign for Mooresville Town Council visit If you are interested in running as Libertarian please contact the Libertarian Party of Morgan County.

** Note: We attempted to contact the Reporter-Times about this issue, but there no longer appears to be a way to submit Letters to the Editor and the only contact listed on their website is the sports reporter. When we called the newsroom we got an automated “invalid input” message. We have had several press releases go unanswered, even to decline them. So, we have chosen to publish this response in this manner.