Time for a new option

A recent Letter to the Editor from Mr. Ken Hunt was critical of former President Donald Trump, while a subsequent letter from Mr. Chuck Beyer was critical of President Biden, and Mr. Hunt, too.

It is true – Mr. Biden’s term as President has been disastrous at best. The unchecked spending has continued to destroy the purchasing power of the American dollar – my wallet knows it, and so does yours.

But let’s take a brief look at the facts: It was the administration of Donald J. Trump that allowed the unprecedented government overreach of the Covid mob, printed over $7 TRILLION DOLLARS IN 2020 ALONE, gave American taxpayers an $1800 pittance, spent our money at a rate unseen by any President prior, and set up the unbelievable inflation we now have. Post-Trump, Republicans have joined together with the band of Democrats, suspending the debt ceiling to continue pillaging and plundering the American people without prejudice, like always.

While regular folks continue to argue in the opinion sections of their local newspaper, Red and Blue are holding hands in the warm glow of your money ablaze. If you are ready to extinguish this dumpster fire, then join us in the Libertarian Party.

~ By Eric Allen | Letter to the Editor | Published October 19, 2023 in The Morgan County Correspondent