Letter: Mooresville Town Council goes Libertarian Whether they realized it or not, the Mooresville Town Council went full Libertarian in their meeting Tuesday (Dec. 12) when they decided to voluntarily fund a project that would make the bell in the ...Read More
Tags: "Libertarian Party of Morgan County"
Transparency plus Accessibility equals Accountability There has been much said, both for and against, Mooresville’s Gateway Project, the redevelopment commission and the town council recently — some of it correct, some of it incorrect. And it can be difficult determining ...Read More
The Fair Tax: abolishes the IRS, lets you keep your entire paycheck, is revenue neutral, eliminates loop holes, ends the payroll tax, makes US companies competitive and much more.Read More
WCBK asks “What is a Libertarian?” Libertarian Party of Morgan County treasurer, Danny Lundy, joins Catherine McKowen on the magazine show to discuss what a Libertarian is.
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